Not much happening. We had a great Christmas, then in Jan I found out my store would close. They had no MGR posting open so I took a demotion and pay cut and now work at the
Atlanta Support Center warehouse.
Kathy was laid off from the Drs office and is working full time temp and still at Macy's part time.
Kathy has visited her
mom who had her 80th birthday. Kathy helped he move to her new smaller house. The 4 bedroom split level was too much.
I just had a caching weekend in Nashville TN. Well it was a 20 hour day . We did 52 caches visited the GPS maze, 3 webcam caches, 6 virtuals, 1 puzzle, 1 multi cache and the rest regular caches. This gave us the qualification to do the Bust Day Challenge cache in Chattanooga.
Eleven of us from GA and Jgooose dove down down from Illinois.